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Payroll Services

Our payroll bureau services take all the worry out of dealing with employees' pay, leaving you to concentrate on running your business.

We provide a cost effective service for which there are no hidden extra charges. From information on the number of employees in your organisation and the frequency of the payroll (i.e. weekly / fortnightly / monthly) we can provide a fixed fee quotation tailored to your specific needs. Many of our clients have found that the costs involved in having their own payroll department, coupled with the ever-increasing complexity of PAYE, National Insurance and employment legislation, make the use of our dedicated payroll bureau a sensible commercial decision.

We are committed to ensuring accurate timely processing of information for each pay period and providing to you:

  • Secure payslips for employees.
  • Direct payment into employees' bank accounts as necessary.
  • Payroll analysis for business accounting records
  • Details of monthly or quarterly PAYE and National Insurance payments due to the Inland Revenue and other deductions from employees.
  • A facility to handle Inland Revenue compliance visits at our own offices.
  • Advising of forthcoming changes in legislation or procedures to ensure continued payroll compliance

Real Time Information and auto-enrolment

Real Time Information (RTI) requires employers and pension providers to provide detailed information to HMRC every time employees are paid rather than through the year end return. Under RTI, the employer is required to submit information; including details of earnings and the tax and NIC deducted whenever a payment is made to an employee.

RTI will link with the Universal Credit

Under the Universal Credit system and using the RTI information submitted monthly to HMRC, it will be possible for the benefit payments to be calculated and adjusted for claimants based on their earnings each month, rather than the current system which often leads to errors and abuse.

HMRC increases its monitoring

RTI also makes the monitoring of PAYE much easier for HMRC as the information will be up to date and accurate. This will allow HMRC to more promptly identify and pursue those businesses that have unpaid PAYE during the year, avoid recalculations at the end of the tax year and permit HMRC to issue penalties for late payment as soon as the employer becomes liable for one.


The law on workplace pensions has changed. Every employer with at least one member of staff now has new duties, including putting those who meet certain criteria into a workplace pension scheme and contributing towards it.

All businesses will receive letters from The Pensions Regulator providing them with key information on automatic enrolment, including when their businesses are affected.

Each employer has a date by which they need to comply with the law, which is known as their staging date.

There are a number of tasks that will need to be completed by your staging date, including assessing your workforce to see who’s eligible, choosing a pension scheme and communicating to staff.

Failure to automatically enrol all eligible workers will result in fixed penalties being imposed on the employer.

Be prepared for minimum contributions – have a plan and budget.

Require more information?

If you would like more information or would like to speak to us direct then call us on 0115 978 7291. Or if you would prefer, ask us a question online.