Giving to Charity

If you make a charitable donation under the Gift Aid scheme, the charity can claim back 20% basic rate tax on any donations. Using Gift Aid can also generate a refund for higher rate and additional rate taxpayers. Higher rate taxpayers can claim back the tax difference between the higher rate and basic rate on the donation. A cash gift of £80 thus generates a refund of £20 for the charity, which receives £100. The donor claims back tax of £20, making the net cost of the gift only £60.


Tax relief against 2018/19 income is possible for charitable donations made between 6 April 2019 and 31 January 2020, providing payment is made before filing the 2018/19 tax return.

Scotland now has tax rates different from the rest of the UK. Donations by Scottish taxpayers paying at the starter rate of 19% will be treated in the same way as 20% taxpayers in the rest of the UK. Donors may need to check that they have paid enough tax to cover the Gift Aid claim, however. Scottish taxpayers using Gift Aid who pay tax at 21%, 41% or 46% claim the difference between this and the basic rate.


Making a charitable donation under Gift Aid reduces income when it comes to possible restriction of the personal allowance. It is thus most beneficial for such gifts to be made by the higher rate spouse.